Kursus Project Management and Donor Agencies

Kupang, Indonesia. Pada 13-16 Februari 2024, P. Kalixtus Kapistrano, CMF (Sekretaris Prokura Misi Delegasi Independen Claretian Indonesia Timor Leste) mengikuti Kursus Manajemen Proyek bersama Tulip. Kursus yang dilaksanakan secara online ini diikuti peserta dari negara-negara di Afrika dan Asia. Para peserta berjumlah 62 orang. 44 orang diantaranya berbahasa Inggris dan 18 berbahasa Prancis. Peserta terdiri dari 17 suster, 22 pastor, 7 bruder dan 16 awam. Menurut perbedaan gender terdapat 18 perempuan dan 44 laki-laki.

Kegiatan dimulai tepat pukul 08:00-17:15 waktu London (16:00-01:15 WITA) dengan istirahat singkat yang diselingi sepanjang hari. Kursus dipimpin oleh narasumber berpengalaman dalam bahasa Inggris dan Perancis. Hari pertama khusus mempelajari seluk-beluk perencanaan proyek, dengan fokus pada manajemen siklus hidup proyek. Kursus selalu dibagi menjadi empat sesi menarik, masing-masing berdurasi satu jam lima belas menit.

Hari kedua, peserta khusus mempelajari penulisan proposal proyek yang difasilitasi oleh dua pemateri yang membahas berbagai topik penting sepanjang hari. Dua sesi pertama dipimpin oleh P. Dr. Lord Winner CMF, berfokus pada metodologi menganalisis masalah, maksud atau tujuan proyek. Sesi berikutnya, dipimpin oleh Percy Patrick yang membahas tentang perencanaan kegiatan proyek. Kegiatan hari kedua ini ditutup oleh Ramón Álvarez, Koordinator Asia untuk Manos Unidas, berbagi wawasan mengenai misi, sejarah, dan kriteria dukungan proyek organisasi tersebut.

Eksplorasi materi terus berlanjut. Hari ini khusus membahas rancangan proyek dan presentasi badan donor. Peserta dituntun untuk memperhatikan aspek-aspek penting dari Fase Desain Proyek, dengan fokus pada Manajemen Keuangan, Manajemen Risiko, dan Pelaporan. Puncak acara pada hari ini adalah presentasi dari Badan Donor Missio Munich, yang disampaikan oleh Branka Begic, Program Officer untuk Asia.

Para peserta mengalami pergeseran fokus dari ketelitian dalam menulis proposal proyek ke bidang penting dalam pemantauan proyek dan hubungan donor. Kursus hari terakhir lebih menyoroti aspek-aspek penting dari efektivitas manajemen proyek dan membina hubungan dengan lembaga-lembaga donor. Pelatihan diakhiri dengan sesi tanya jawab yang menarik, diikuti dengan ucapan terima kasih yang tulus dari Percy Patrick.

Di akhir sesi, peserta memperoleh informasi tentang dua peluang kursus yang akan datang pada tahun 2024 yakni Pelatihan online “Penggalangan Dana Kontemporer – Metode dan Strategi”, pada 14-16 Mei 2024 mendatang; dan “Lokakarya Manajemen Proyek dan Penggalangan Dana – Tingkat Mahir” yang akan diadakan di Dubai dari pada 2-6 September 2024.

Umumnya setiap Kongregasi atau Tarekat dan Keuskupan mengirim satu anggota. Peserta terbanyak adalah dari SVD sebanyak 10 orang. Jika menurut negara, peserta terbanyak adalah dari Ethiopia (13 orang), disusul Chad dan Nigeria masing-masing 8 orang. Sedangkan P. Kalixtus Kapistrano, CMF menjadi satu-satunya perwakilan Indonesia. (Laporan P. Kalixtus Kapistrano, CMF, peserta kursus “Project Management and Donor Agencies)


LINAMNUTU, TTS. This project started on May 18, 2022 on dry land in Linamnutu, South Central Timor. The purpose of the water tank is to irrigate agricultural land that is not supplied with water from the dam due to its higher position.

The project was partially funded by the Wurzburg Mission, Germany through Proclade Internazionale Onlus (a social organization under the auspices of CMF Mission Solidarity).  Their grant amounted to USD 3,459. The other part was funded by the Claretian Delegation Indonesia-Timor Leste.

The water tank was completed in July 2022 and blessed by Fr. Superior Major CMF Indonesia-Timor Leste Delegation on July 25, 2022. However, it is not yet practically usable because the piping and electrical systems have not been properly completed. The obstacle faced is the distance of the water source due to the shifting river flow caused by the Seroja Cyclone storm. In addition, the electrical power required to pump water from the river was insufficient. Finally, in July 2023, we changed our water intake strategy. We built a new water channel to supply water closer to the water basin location and changed the type of water pump. This way the reservoir can be filled properly.

Currently, the reservoir can be used. The direct beneficiaries of this project are 10 people, namely the Eduardo Linamnutu Farmer group.Indirect beneficiaries are 50-100 people (Reported by Selestinus Panggarra, cmf – Delegation Mission Procure Team)

‘Not only leading people to Heaven but making Heaven on Earth’

Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Project Management Training for Claretian Independent Delegation of Indonesia-Timor Leste was conducted by the General Mission Procurator, Fr. Lord Winner, CMF at OMI Retreat Centre, Yogyakarta, Indonesia from 27th to 30th of August 2019. The participants of the training were 18 priests, 9 students of Theology and one Sister from the Religious of Mary Immaculate Congregation (Claretian Sisters).

Fr. Francesco Jose Baeza Roca, CMF (Econome and Mission Procurator of the Delegation) on behalf of the Major Superior of the delegation inaugurated the training inviting the participants to work towards self-sufficiency of the delegation through pastoral and social projects. Fr. Lord Winner, CMF explained the objectives of the training as to arrive at a clear understanding about project methodology used by the Congregation and to start preparing project proposals for the needs of the mission.

The training focused on various components of projects, study of the formats of Mission and the General Mission Procure, organizational structure needed to implement projects and how projects need to be designed using the sustainable development goals ( SDGs). The steps needed to be taken by the missionaries to move from charity-based approach to rights-based approach were also explained using the theme ‘not only leading people to Heaven but making Heaven on Earth’. The Trainer dealt in length on the functioning of the Mission Procure and the criteria used by the Congregation for managing projects.

The staff of Caritas Germany working in Indonesia were also invited to share about their project planning process which enlightened the participants with concrete examples. Using the funding guide published by Mission Project Service (USA), the participants made a prospect search to enlist the possible funding agencies for a project proposal they prepared during the training.

The Evaluation done at the end of the Training revealed an increase in confidence among the participants to engage in projects. Many also expressed the need to continuously increase their knowledge and skills so that each community can prepare proposals in consultation with the people and send to the Mission Procure. The participants returned with the promise of sending one or more projects for the next project cycle of the General Procure, whose deadline falls on 31st January 2020. (Reported by: Fr. Paul Madoni, CMF)