Towards a Transformative Delegation

oleh | Des 4, 2019 | Berita, Delegasi

Kupang, Indonesia. The yearly Delegation Assembly of the Claretian Indonesia Timor Leste 2019 started with a recollection given by the Archbishop of Kupang, Msgr Petrus Turang, who led the missionaries into the reflection on “The Humble Servants: called by God to walk, accompany and to adore.” The reflection centered on the experience of God as a source of transformation in order to serve others and creation. The transformation will clearly result in fidelity and zeal guided by the constitution and by the Charism of the congregation and under the light of the signs of the times. Similar to what the Bishop said, Fr. Yohanes Maria Vianey Lusi Emi, CMF (Delegate Superior) in his opening reflection paved an inward journey to meet the essence of our missionary call.

It was followed by the reports of the commissions: Prefect of Apostolate (Fr Frederikus Jampur, CMF): it underlines the understanding of mission as sending (MS 57). Mission endeavors so that God may be known, loved, served and glorified. The mission employs social media in the service of the Word.

Commission of Youth Apostolate and Promotion of Vocation (Fr. Yohanes Darisalib Jeramu, CMF and team): it highlighted moments of encounter with the young people. This commission presented its program as going forth encountering the youth in the human level and leading them to encounter Jesus as a source of transformation. The commission also realized many challenges both internal and external such as lacked of teamwork and experience. There is a real need to work closely with the missionaries in the parishes.

Report of the Econome (Fr Francisco JB. Baeza, CMF): the main highlight of the report is the imbalance between income and expenses. There is a wide gap between the income and expenses. The members of the delegation were encouraged share more their resources to augment the income under the religious value of sharing of goods in solidarity.

Prefect of Formation (Fr. Nikolaus Ilan, CMF): many challenges and solutions were presented in order to facilitate a transformative formation. Prefect of Spirituality (Fr. Emanuel Lelo Talok, CMF): the prefecture strived to promote programs to keep the zeal of the missionaries burning through spiritual exercises and group study or updates.