Program formatif di waktu liburan

Wisma Claretian Yogyakarta. Sebanyak enam belas Frater (Tingkat I dan II) Komunitas Wisma Skolastikat Claretian Yogyakarta (WSCY) mengikuti kursus Public Speaking. Kegiatan ini merupakan salah satu program komunitas guna mengisi waktu liburan sekaligus memberi bekal kepada para misionaris muda agar semakin menjadi pribadi yang bernadi misionaris dalam jejak Bapa Pendiri, St Antonius Maria Claret, sebagai pelayan Sabda yang ideal. Kursus ini berlangsung selama lima hari, yakni dari tanggal 20-24 Januari 2020, dipandu oleh tiga tutor yang sangat handal dalam bidang public speaking. Mereka adalah; Ibu Rishe Purnama Dewi, S. Pd, M. Hum (Ibu Rise), Ibu Septiana Krismawati, S.S., M.A (Ibu Septi) dan Ibu Ekaresta Prihardjati Saputro, S.Pd., M.Pd.(Ibu Esta). Ketiganya merupakan Tim PBSI, FKIP, Universitas Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta.

Dalam kegiatan ini, para misionaris muda disuguhkan berbagai materi dan praktek menjadi seorang public speaker yang baik khususnya sebagai seorang misionaris pelayan Sabda. Mulai dari materi yang paling dasar, yakni tentang pengolahan vokal, intonasi, pelafalan, artikulasi, penampilan, penguasaan umat atau audience hingga pada praktek menjadi seorang public speaker yang kreatif. Selain itu dalam berkotbah para frater diajak untuk belajar bagaimana menghadapi situasi audience yang beraneka ragam, bahkan bagaimana cara mengatasi tindakan atau prilaku audience atau umat yang di luar ekspetasi.

Di penghujung kegiatan ini para misionaris muda diberi kesempatan berkotbah dengan menerapkan semua materi yang telah diperoleh. Setiap frater dituntut sekreatif mungkin menggunakan media atau sarana yang ada sesuai dengan tema dan konteksnya masing-masing. Dalam hal ini, tema dan konteks dalam renungan yang dibawakan dalam berkotbah tidaklah sama, konteksnya berbeda antara satu dengan yang lain. Hal ini tentu tidak sekedar sebagai pengujian atau penilaian atas semua materi yang telah diperoleh, tetapi lebih dari pada itu kesempatan berkotbah ini merupakan suatu rahmat yang amat berharga bagi kami. Mengapa? Karena dalam kesempatan ini kami belajar bagaimana rasanya berdiri di depan orang banyak. Lebih dari itu, setiap kami merasa termotivasi untuk menjadi misionaris sejati, di saat sekarang dan di masa depan. (Fr. Rofinus Hadu, CMF)

“Rohku untuk seluruh dunia”

Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Kamis, 24 Oktober 2019, perasaan sukacita menyelimuti suasana hati setiap anggota Kongregasi Putra-Putra Hati Tak Bernoda Maria (CMF), khususnya Komunitas Wisma Skolastikat Claretian Yogyakarta. Bersamaan dengan Pesta Bapa Pendiri, St. Antonius Maria Claret, komunitas juga merayakan misa pengikraran kaul kekal religius dari ketujuh misionaris muda, Fr. Aloysius Etwino Ganti, CMF, Fr. Krisantus Emanuel Nurak, CMF, Fr. Yohanes Naharjo Klau, CMF, Fr. Agustinus Djeramu, CMF, Fr. Arnoldus Kutu Ndiwa, CMF, Fr. Silvestre Antonio Pereira, CMF, dan Fr. Lukas Benevides, CMF. Dengan langkah yang pasti dan suara yang lantang mereka mengikrarkan kesetiaan terhadap Yesus Kristus, Gereja, dan Kongregasi. “Demikian saya mengaulkan kepada Allah, Kemurnian, Kemiskinan, dan Ketaatan untuk selama-lamanya, dan saya melibatkan diri untuk hidup dalam komunitas kehidupan kerasulan dari kongregasi”.

Pater Yohanes Maria Vianey Lusi Emi, CMF, Superior Delegatus CMF Indonesia-Timor Leste sekaligus selebran dalam Perayaan Ekaristi ini mengajak kauliawan dan umat semuanya untuk belajar dari kisah hidup Ayub. Dalam homilinya Pater Vianey mengatakan, “dengan yakin Ayub berkata, sekarang mataku sendiri memandang Engkau, senada dengan Ayub, saya mau bertanya kepada para kauliawan, Apakah para saudara secara personal telah melihat atau memandang Sang Guru, Yesus Kristus?”. Memandang Yesus, mengandaikan seseorang telah mampu hidup dalam kedalaman spiritual. Pertanyaan Pater Vianey, sekiranya menjadi penggugah perefleksian para kauliawan, juga para umat yang hadir dalam perayaan sukacita tersebut.

Di akhir perayaan Ekaristi, Pater Vianey sebagai Superior Delegatus Kongregasi Claretian Indonesia-Timor Leste, mengumumkan tempat perutusan ketujuh kauliawan. Fr. Arnoldus Kutu Ndiwa, CMF, akan berlangkah menuju Komunitas Claretian di Frankfurt, Jerman. Fr. Etwino Ganti, CMF, bersiap mengemban misi di Komunitas Claretian Salele, Timor Leste. Fr. Krisantus Emanuel Nurak, CMF, akan menjadi anggota Komunitas Biara St. Antonius Maria Claret, Sinaksak, Siantar. Fr. Yohanes Naharjo Klau, CMF, segera bergandeng tangan dengan misi Claretian di Tanah Borneo, Paroki Sta. Maria Immakulata Wayun, Palu Rejo. Fr. Agustinus Djeramu, CMF, bersiap menatap misi Claretian di Tanjung Balai, Paroki St. Mikael. Fr. Silvestre Antonio Pereira, CMF, kembali mengolah misi di Seminari Hati Maria, Kupang. Dan Fr. Lukas Benevides, CMF, melanjutkan karya menyemai bibit panggilan Claretian di Pra Novisiat Claretian, Kupang. Semoga Roh Kudus selalu menyertai perjalanan misi mereka. (Frs. E. D. Koten & R.M. Paing, CMFF – Skolastikat Claretian Yogyakarta)

Seminar Missiology: Mission in the Context of Indonesia

Jogjakarta, Wisma Scholastic of Claretian Jogjakarta Community again held a semesteral seminar on Sunday, May 26. In that moment, the seminar took the title Missiological Forum. And the theme that raised in that moment was “Missionary in the Context of Indonesia (A Missiological Reflection on the Message of Pope Francis  in Order to Commemorate 100 years of Apostolic Letter Maximum Illud)”.

The keynote speaker in this seminar was Fr. Pankratius Rehi Kandelu, CMF, M.A. Miss and moderated by Stu. Theobaldus Deni, CMF.

Fr. Pank opened this seminar with talked about what is mission. For him, the important thing in every mission carried out by missionaries should be inspired by Jesus Christ. The existence of Jesus is a central point in every step of the mission in the world.

“The mission of Jesus is a starting point in our mission”, he said.

Fr. Pank reiterated the importance of the mission centered on Jesus, which is based on the Word of God. A missionary is very much required to mission not for himself, but the proclamation of God in the midst of the world. So, what is proclaimed is God in Jesus Christ.

“If the Word of God becomes the basis of the mission then what is proclaimed in the mission is God in Jesus Christ,” he explained.

Furthermore, the priest who was born in Sumba, May 12, 1974 explained the mission in Indonesia. He said that the mission in Indonesia was in the corridors of the context, namely plurality, politics, economics, education, health, and terrorism. In his observations, these contexts are real situations regarding the current state of Indonesia as a general description and become study material for current mission opportunities.

In his missiological reflection, Fr. Pank again added several themes that could serve as a basis for carrying out missions in the context of Indonesia. These themes include, first, the mission is testimony and preaching; second, the mission is justice, peace and the integrity of nature; third, the mission is interfaith dialogue; fourth, the mission is inculturation; and fifth, the mission is reconciliation.

“The mission gets meaning and meaning according to the context as well as answers to concrete situations,” he said.

For this reason, quoting Pope Francis’s message to the leaders of the congregation, Fr. Pank hoped that the quality of the missionaries would be improved in the future. Some of the things quoted from Pope Francis are important relationships with Jesus, learning from the testimonies of the saints and laity about the testimony of faith in the midst of mission, biblical formation, catechesis, spirituality and theology, and proclamation of God’s love.

Mario F. Cole Putra, CMF

Lower Your Nets Fr. Domi, CMF

To be a missionary means to be brave to take a risk and then send everywhere. Tuesday (8/1), Community of Wisma Scholastic Claretian held up the separation and go send (Perpisahan dan Perutusan) with Father Dominikus Kabosu Tae, CMF. According to decision of the council of delegation Independent Indonesia-Timor Leste, Fr. Domi will be a superior in Tomok Parish.

This ceremony opened with the Holy Eucharist. And, this Eucharist was presented by Fr. Domi.

With the theme, “Lower your Nets (Luke 5:4)” (Tebarkanlah Jalamu), Fr. Domi accepted this mission. Every mission is a consequence of God’s knowledge about himself. “Maybe this mission happened because God knows well my self”, he said.

In other place, Fr. Pankratius Rehi Kandelu, CMF, admitted really lost a figure of papa in this community. Every memory of Fr. Domi will never disappear. Fr. Pankras said that Fr. Domi always invite him to enjoy the break time at 10 o’clock. “Every 10 o’clock my room’s door is knocked. (Father) Pankras, let’s drink. And wait a moment, (Father) Paskal, let’s drink”, he remained.

Existence of Fr. Domi in the Community of Jogjakarta so short. But all memories with Fr. Domi will never lost. Happy your vocation in the new mission place. God always with you.Mario F. Cole Putra, CMF

The Inauguration of New Superior of Wisma Scholasticat Claretian Community

Community of Wisma Scholasticat of Claretian begin a new story in the new year of 2019. Monday (7/1) community received a grace from God in a form of new superior. Fr. Pankratius Rehi Kandelu, CMF pointed to be the superior of community of Wisma Scholasticat Claretian. The inauguration ceremony was carried out in the Divine Worship and led directly by Fr. Nikolaus Ilan Erap, CMF.

The inauguration ceremony was begun with the reading of Constitution of Claretian Missionary. The points of Constitution was taken from Chapter XV numbers 102-105. The points talk about Government of the Local Community.

Fr. Pankras said that he was really give thanks to the Lord for His Grace upon him. He was ready to receive this appointment because there is community. “I received, because I am still with Fr. Niko and with Fr. Valens. There is Fr. Berthon. There is Fr. Paskal”, he said.

Fr. Pankras admitted that the existention of community will really help his assignment as a superior. “I don’t walk alone, but walk together”, he said.

In the same place, Fr. Niko also gave thanks of this inauguration. As a missionary who ever received this appointment, Fr. Niko reflected that every form of appointment is a free grace which come from God. “Whatever appointment, it is grace”, he said.

Fr. Niko still reflected his vocation with the appointment which he received. Appointment doesn’t mean standing upon all class. The appointment is about service that should be given to all men. “Serve earnestly”, he said.

Congratulation for Fr. Pankras as a new superior of community of Wisma Skolastikat Claretian. Good Service.

Mario F. Cole Putra, CMF

Upacara Pembukaan Pesta Claret Yogyakarta 2018

Jogjakarta, Indonesia. “Claret, teacher and father!” This was the song echoed by the Claretians living in Jogjakarta as they open the Claret Feast with the theme “Claret: Inspiration and Energy of Transformation” at the Scholasticate of the Independent Delegation of Indonesia – Timor Leste in Jogjakarta on the 23rd of September 2018. All the members of both the CMF and RMI communities of the said city are taking part on this yearly sports event. This year they are divided into four groups named after the places of martyrdom of the 109 Blessed Claretians: Cervera, Solsona, Sabadell, and Lérida. This year’s theme is.

The opening ceremonies started with a flag ceremony in same way it was held during the Indonesia Independence Day. It was followed by the inaugural speech of the Local Superior of the community, Fr. Nikolaus Ilan Erap, CMF, who at that time reminded them that this time is a moment to reflect on Claret and take him as an inspiration.

“This is the time to reflect on the figure of Claret who had founded the Congregation and contributed for the Church”, he said.

He also gave them these reflective questions for them to ponder: “How far do we follow him (Claret)? How far do we imitate him? How far do we see Claret as a model?” Towards the end of his speech, he said that he had hoped for this feast to be a moment to foster a sense of brotherhood and camaraderie among the Claretians as well as with the Claretian Sisters. Then he lighted the torch, the sign of the official opening of the games.